ABB Woodward 9907-167 digital governor
Technical data of product parameters
The Ethernet interface is not used on the 9907-167
The MVME147 uses the AM79C90 Local Area Network Controller
for Ethernet (LANCE) and the AM7992 Serial Interface Adapter
(SIA) to implement the Ethernet transceiver interface. The balanced
differential transceiver signal lines from the AM7992 are coupled
via an onboard transformer to signal lines that go to the9907-167
connector and eventually to the MVME712 transition board, where
they are connected to an industry standard DB-15 connector.
The AM79C90 performs DMA operations to perform its normal
functions. The MVME147 restricts AM79C90 DMA to local DRAM
only. The AM79C90 cannot access the VMEbus. If the DRAM size is
less than 16MB then it repeats itself in the AM79C90 16MB memory
map. If it is more than 16MB, then the AM79C90 accesses the 9907-167
section of DRAM defined by the LANA24 and LANA25 bits in the
PCC Slave Base Address Register (bits 6 and 7 of $FFFE102B).
Every MVME147 is assigned an Ethernet station address. The
address is $08003E2xxxxx where xxxxx is the unique number
assigned to the module (i.e., every MVME147 has a different value
for xxxxx). 9907-167
Each Ethernet station address is displayed on a label attached to the
MVME147’s backplane connector P2. In addition, the xxxxx portion
of the Ethernet station address is stored in BBRAM, location
$FFFE0778 as $2xxxxx. 9907-167
If Motorola networking software is running on an MVME147, it
uses the 2xxxxx value from BBRAM to complete the Ethernet
station address ($08003E2xxxxx). The user must assure that the
value of 2xxxxx is maintained in BBRAM. If the value of 2xxxxx is
lost in BBRAM, the user should use the number on the label on the
P2 connector to restore it. Note that MVME147bug includes the
“LSAD” command for examining and updating the BBRAM xxxxx
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