ABB CI860K01 module

Status: In Stock

Product name:module
Origin: United States
Delivery time: 3-7 days
Warranty period: 365 days
Inventory quantity: 10 pieces

ABB CI860K01 module

Technical data of product parameters

Upon power-up, the status display should alternately flash a P and
a 0 to indicate SERCOS interface communication phase 0. As the
drive moves through each communication phase, the display
alternately flashes a P and a number indicating the next sequentialommunication phase CI860K01 Upon reaching communication
phase 4 (CP4), the display briefly flashes P and 4 before displaying steady state 5. This indicates that the SERCOS interface is
initialized and the drive and motor system are ready for
commanding motion.
Danaher Motion Kollmorgen 06/04 SERCOS Interface Setup
SERVOSTAR CD Installation M-SS-017-01 Rev. T 49 CP2 INITIALIZATION
IDN 18 contains a list of IDNs that must be written to the drive in. The CP2 transition procedure (IDN 127) verifies the drive’s
readiness to transition from CP2 to CP3 and checks whether eac listed within IDN 18 has been written by the master. If any I been written with illegal values, then the drive will not allow a
transition to CP3. If the drive fails to transition, then IDN 21 will
contain a list of IDNs that are not configured properly. The following
IDNs should be configured during CP2:

Product picture display

ABB CI860K01 module ABB CI860K01 module1

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