EEA-LIM-454-A-10 input and output module
Technical data of product parameters
EEA LIM-454-A-10 is designed and produced by Eaton Vickers. It is a power amplifier card that has many advantages compared to competitors’ similar products. Some of the features of EEA-LIM-454-A-10 include 2 voltage followers, 8 test points, and a complete LED located on the front panel. Each amplifier card comes with 2 limit comparators. These devices can be used as both inverters and non inverters. Both positive and negative threshold switches have positions for testing points. The configuration of Eaton Vickers amplifier card is very convenient and easy to use.
The power amplifier card also integrates a relay and a 24V logic power supply voltage. This makes EEA-LIM-454-A-10 a low-risk device for opening and testing. Eaton Vickers also integrates various functions for EEA-LIM-454-A-10, including 2 differential amplifiers, 1 millivolt rectifier, 2 summing circuits, and 1 P/I controller. The power amplifier card also has three inverters and male connectors that comply with DIN 41612 and F48. The Eaton Wigs amplifier card is a very lightweight device, weighing only 1.4 kilograms.
EEA LIM-454-A-10 can be used for power amplifier hosts. You can use each card in an analog 2-card power amplifier host or a digital set success rate amplifier host. Any Eaton Wigs amplifier card can be placed in any slot of the host without the need for configuration settings. EEA-LIM-454-A-10 has other different advantages, including enhanced performance, higher reliability, and higher efficiency. The card also has a high-voltage power supply and operates in a switch mode with lower operating costs. This means you can eliminate expensive and bulky large transformers.
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