GE PLC module DS200FCGDH1B imported industrial control spare parts
Technical data of product parameters
The DS200FCGDH1B operator paints a line along the current path. The stroked line follows each
straight or curved segment in the path, centered on the segment with sides parallel to it. Each of the path’s subpaths is treated separately.
The results of the S operator depend on the current settings of various parameters
in the graphics state DS200FCGDH1Bwidth of the stroked line is determined by the current line width parameter
(“Line Width” on page 215).
• The color or pattern of the line is determined by the current color and color
space for stroking operations.
• The line can be painted either solid or with a dash pattern, as specified by the
current line dash pattern DS200FCGDH1B
• If a subpath is open, the unconnected ends are treated according to the current
line cap style, which may be butt, rounded, or square (“Line Cap Style” on page
• Wherever two consecutive segments are connected, the joint between them is
treated according to the current line join style, which may be mitered, rounded,
or beveled (“Line Join Style” on page 216). Mitered joins are also subject to the
current miter limit (“Miter Limit” on page 217).
Note: Points at which unconnected segments happen to meet or intersect receive
no special treatment. In particular, using an explicit l operator to give the appearance of closing a subpath, rather than using h, may result in a messy corner, because line caps are applied instead of a line join.
• The stroke adjustment parameter (PDF 1.2) specifies that coordinates and line
widths be adjusted automatically to produce strokes of uniform thickness
despite rasterization effects (Section 6.5.4, “Automatic Stroke Adjustment”).
If a subpath is degenerate (consists of a single-point closed path or of two or
more points at the same coordinates), the S operator paints it only if round lineDS200FCGDH1B
caps have been specified, producing a filled circle centered at the single point. If
butt or projecting square line caps have been specified, S produces no output, because the orientation of the caps would be indeterminate. (This rule applies only
to zero-length subpaths of the path being stroked, and not to zero-length dashes
Product picture display
I guess you want to know
What if there is a quality problem?
Seven-day acceptance period, one-year warranty period
When can we deliver it?1-3 working days
How about the quality?New or second-hand
How to get the quotation?Phone, WeChat, email and whatApp can all be used
Introduction to main products
Focus on DCS, PLC, robot control system and large servo system.
Main products: various modules/cards, controllers, touch screens, servo drives.
Advantages: supply imported original products, professional discontinued parts, fast delivery, accurate delivery time,
Main brands include ABB Bailey, GE/FANC, FOXBORO, Invensys TRICONEX, Bentley BENTLY, A-B Rockwell, Emerson EMERSON, OVATION, MOTOROLA, XYVOM, Honeywell HONEYWELL, Rexroth, KUKA, NI, DEIF, Yokogawa, Woodward WOODWARD, Ryan, Schneider SCHNEIDER, Yaskawa, Moog MOOG, PROSOFT and other brands
For more products, please contact the email for inquiry
This article from the temporal Ming sheng automation equipment co., LTD.,
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