HONEYWELL 51202329-606 module regulator

Status: In Stock

Product name:module regulator
Origin: United States
Delivery time: 3-7 days
Warranty period: 365 days
Inventory quantity: 10 pieces

HONEYWELL 51202329-606 module regulator

Technical data of product parameters

The AADvance controller stores its IP address data in non-volatile memory in
the T9100 processor base unit. The data is independent of the T9110 51202329-606 processor
modules in the controller, and so the controller keeps the address information
when you remove a processor module.
You must set up the IP address data when you create a new system, or if you fit
a new processor base unit.
After having set up the IP address data in the controller, you can configure the 51202329-606
AADvance Workbench software or AADvance-Trusted SIS Workstation
software to find the controller on the network.This procedure describes how to activate communications using the AADvance
Discover tool. After completing the steps, refresh the AADvance Discover tool’s
list of modules to test for communications.
1. Ensure that the Ethernet cable is plugged into a socket above a fitted
AADvance controller – communications will not ‘pass through’ unused
slots. 51202329-606
2. Ensure that the controller is activated by turning the locking bar. Wait
for the Ready LED to go green before refreshing the AADvance Discover
tool. (The communications tasks are not active until it is ‘Ready’).
3. Do not use an office network. Use an isolated hub or switch between the
computer and AADvance controller. Check that the hub/switch has LEDs
lit for the ports to both computer and controller, showing that the ports
are working.
4. Open the Network Connections window. Open the Properties of the
computer’s network adapter (as used for configuring AADvance). Un-tick
all protocol “items” which are not immediately necessary, especially “Check Point SecuRemote” and “iPass Protocol” (if present). You will
need to leave “Internet Protocol” (or) “IPv4” and “IPv6”, “Client for
Microsoft Networks”, “File and Printer Sharing” and 51202329-606 “Network Monitor
Driver” (if present) for normal Windows operation.
5. Disable the Windows Firewall, or any third-party firewalls and shields.
6. If using a laptop, disable Wireless. If there are multiple network
connections, disable the connections not being used. The AADvance

Product picture display

HONEYWELL 51202329-606 module regulator

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